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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

  1. The editorial board of the Journal asks the authors to familiarize themselves with the rules (the editorial policy of the Journal containing general information about the Journal, the procedure for reviewing articles, publication ethics) in order to comply with them when preparing papers sent to the journal.


    1. Sending an article to the editorial office means the consent of the author (the maximum number of authors is 3 people) to the right of the Publisher – L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, to publish the article in the journal and republish it in any foreign language.

    No more than 1 publication from the same author in the same issue of the journal is allowed. The author(s) is responsible for the content of the article.

    1. An article is submitted to the editorial office (via the Open Journal System (OJS)) in Word format (A4 page, portrait orientation, margins on all sides - 20 mm. Font: type – Times New Roman, size (size) – 14);

    MRNTI / - first line, on the left; initials and surname of the author(s) - centered alignment, italics; full name of the organization, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, you must put the same icon next to the surname of the author and the corresponding organization; E-mail of the author(s) – italics in parentheses; the title of the article is centered in bold). The style file can be downloaded from the magazine's website. The authors need to submit two versions of the manuscript, one of which should not contain information about the authors (full name, place of work, information about the authors), since an anonymized text is required for conducting a double-blind review. The author(s) must also provide a cover letter (the cover letter template is attached on the journal's website). The article files must be numbered and named with the first 4-5 words of the article title (for example: 1. On the methodology of teaching international law – a file with the authors; 2. On the methodology of teaching international law – file without authors).

    1. The length of the article should not exceed 16 pages (from 6 pages). The calculation of the volume of the article does not include an abstract, keywords, a list of references, a reference, information about the author in Kazakh, Russian and English. Works exceeding the specified volume are accepted for publication in exceptional cases by a special decision of the editorial board of the journal.
    2. The text of the work begins with the MRNTI rubricator (International rubricator of scientific and technical information; determined by the link /), followed by full name (full surname, first name, patronymic of the author(s), academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, city, country, ORCID of the author(s); e-mail of all authors (including the main author), title of the article, abstract, keywords.

    An abstract is a summary of a research article and is used to help the reader quickly understand the essence of the article. The volume is not less than 150 and not more than 200 words in Kazakh, Russian and English. The structure of the abstract includes the following points:

    • Introductory remarks on the topic of the study.
    • The purpose, main directions and ideas of scientific research.
    • A brief description of the scientific and practical significance of the work.
    • A brief description of the research methodology.
    • Main results and analysis, conclusions of the research work.
    • The value of the research (the contribution of this work to the relevant field of knowledge).
    • The practical significance of the results of the work.

    Keywords (no more than 7 words or phrases) should reflect the main content of the article; determine the subject area of the study; occur in the text of the article. Keywords are separated from each other by a comma.

    The authors of the journal must adhere to the following rules on the structure of the article in accordance with the headings:

    The article should have the following structure (the first three paragraphs are in Kazakh, English, Russian):

    1. Title and information about the author(s) – full name, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, city, country, ORCID of the author(s); e-mail of all authors of publications (including indicating the main author).
    2. Abstract (150-250 words).
    3. Keywords (8-10 words).
    4. Introduction.
    5. Materials and methods.
    6. Results and discussion.
    7. Information about financing (if available) (Acknowledgements).
    8. The list of references and the availability of References – a transliterated list of references (transliteration is carried out on the website:

    For foreign authors who have sent articles in English or Russian, the translation of the title of the article, information about the authors, Abstract, Keywords into Kazakh is carried out by the Editorial Board of the journal.

    The Introduction consists of the following main elements:

    The rationale for choosing a topic; the relevance of the topic or problem. In justifying the choice of a topic based on the description of the experience of predecessors, it is reported that there is a problematic situation (the absence of any research, the appearance of a new object, etc.). The relevance of the topic is determined by the general interest in the study of this object, but the lack of comprehensive answers to existing questions, it is proved by the theoretical or practical significance of the topic.

    Definition of the object, subject, goals, objectives, methods, approaches, hypotheses and the meaning of the work. The purpose of the research is related to the proof of the thesis, that is, the presentation of the subject of research in the aspect chosen by the author.

    The Materials and methods section should consist of a description of the materials, as well as a complete description of the methods used.

    The scientific methodology should include:

    - research question(s);

    - proposed hypothesis (thesis);

    - stages of the study;

    - research methods.

    The characteristic or description of the research material includes its presentation in qualitative and quantitative terms. The characteristics of the material (international legal acts, LRA, state program documents, official statistics, works of scientists, etc.) are one of the factors determining the reliability of the conclusions and research methods.

    This section indicates, if this was the case, the use of artificial intelligence (ChatGPT) when working on an article.

    Results and Discussion is one of the most important sections of the article. The section provides an analysis and discussion of the results of the study. The conclusions based on the results obtained during the study are presented, the main essence is revealed. It is necessary to analyze the results of the work and discuss the relevant results in comparison with previous works, analyses and conclusions.

    Conclusion – generalization and summing up of the work at this stage; confirmation of the truth of the statement put forward by the author, and the author's conclusion about the change in scientific knowledge, taking into account the results obtained. Conclusions should not be abstract, they should be used to summarize the results of research in a particular scientific field, with a description of proposals or opportunities for further work.

    The structure of the conclusion should contain the following questions: What are the goals and methods of the study? What results have been obtained? What are the conclusions? What are the prospects and opportunities for the implementation and application of the results?

    The Literature review section should cover fundamental and new works on the subject of study by domestic and foreign authors, analysis of these works from the point of view of their scientific contribution, as well as gaps in the study.

    It is UNACCEPTABLE to have many links unrelated to the work, or inappropriate judgments about the author's own achievements, links to previous works by the author.

    If at least one of these requirements is not met, the article will not be accepted for consideration.

    1. Tables are included directly in the text of the work. They should be numbered and accompanied by a reference to them in the text of the work. Drawings and graphs should be presented in one of the standard formats: PS, PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PCX. Bitmaps must be executed with a resolution of 600 dpi. All details should be clearly conveyed in the drawings.
    2. The list of references should contain only those sources (numbered in the order of citation or in the order of the English alphabet) to which there are references in the text of the work. References to unpublished works are not allowed. The list of references should consist of more than 7 sources.

    The list of references should contain at least 50% of the sources published in the last 10 years. The quality and quantity of the sources referenced indicate the relevance of the article. Therefore, authors are advised to follow the following instructions:

    The permissible number of publications of authors and co-authors of an article in the list of references should not exceed 20% of the total number.

    1. Registration of the list of references (according to GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation")

    The design of the book:

    1. a) Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg. Com. – 2013. – 720 p.

    Design of a journal article:

    1. b) Zabrodin Yu.M. Methodological problems of research and modeling of functional states of a human operator // Questions of cybernetics. Mental states and performance. – 2021. – Vol. 3. No. 25. – pp. 15-21. DOI: ...(if available).

    Design of conference materials:

    1. c) Semenova V.G. Independent work of students as the most important form of organizing the educational process within the framework of the competence model of education // Organization of independent work of students: materials of the reports of the II All-Russian scientific and practical Internet conference. – Saratov: New Project, 2013. – pp. 10-15.

    The design of a newspaper article:

    1. d) Akhmetova N.R. Psychology of student age // Pedagogical Bulletin. – 2020. – No. 12. – p. 4.\

    The design of a journal article in English:

    1. e) Pundak D., Herscovitz O., Shacham M., Wiser-Biton R. Instructors’ attitudes towards active learning // Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects. – 2015. – Vol. 5. – P. 215-232.

    The design of Internet sources:

    1. f) Baldwin G. The teaching-research nexus: How research informs and enhanced learning and teaching in the University of Melbourne [Electronic resource]. – 2017. – URL: / (date of request: 08/15/2017).
    2. Then a combination of the English-language and transliterated parts of the list of references is given. The transliteration is provided using an online translator at the link /. This online translator does not transliterate specific letters of the Kazakh alphabet. Here, the authors, after transliterating the Kazakh text, should make adjustments, following the following rules:



















    An example of a combination of English-language and transliterated parts of the list of references:


    The design of the book:

    А) Rubinstein S.L. Osnovy obshhej psihologii [Basics of general psychology] (Piter.Kom., SPb, 2017, 720 p.). [in Russian]

    Design of a journal article:

    В) Zabrodin Ju.M. Metodologicheskie problemy issledovanija i modelirovanija funkcional’nyh sostojanij cheloveka-opеratora [Мethodological problems of studying operator functional state modeling], Voprosy kibernetiki. Psihicheskie sostojanija i jeffktivnost’ dejatel’nosti [Questions of cybernetics. Mental status and performance], 3(25), 15-21 (2018). [in Russian]

    Design of conference materials:

    С) Semenova V.G. Samostoyatel’naya rabota studentov kak vazhneyshaya forma organizatsii uchebnogo protsessa v ramkakh obrazovatel’noy kompetentnostnoy modeli [Independent work of students as the most important form of organization of educational process within the educational competence model], Organizatsiya samostoyatel’noy raboty studentov: materialy dokladov II Vserossiyskoy nauchnoprakticheskoy internet-konferentsii, Saratov: Novyy proyekt [Organization of independent work of students: materials of reportsof the II all-Russian scientific-practical Internet-conference, Saratov: New project], 10-15 (2022). [in Russian]

    The design of a newspaper article:

    1. D) Ahmetova N.R. Psihologija studencheskogo vozrasta [Student psychology], «Pedagogicheskij vestnik» [Pedagogical messenger], 12, 4 (2013). [in Russian]

    The design of a journal article in English:

    1. E) Pundak D., Herscovitz O., Shacham M., Wiser-Biton R. Instructors’ attitudes toward active learning, Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 5, 215-232 (2020).

    The design of Internet sources:

    1. F) Baldwin G. The teaching-research nexus: How research informs and enhances learning and teaching in the University of Melbourne. [Electronic resource] – Available at: (accessed: 15.08.2021).

    If the source has an official translation and is also published in English, then the official English translation must be indicated in the combination of the English-language and transliterated part of the list of references.

    For example, the article:

    Баилов Е.А., Сихов М.Б., Темиргалиев Н. Об общем алгоритме численного интегрирования функций многих переменных // Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики. – 2014. – Т. 54. – № 7. – С. 1059-1077.

    has an official translation:

    Bailov E.A., Sikhov M.B.,  Temirgaliev N. General algorithm for the numerical integration of functions of several variables, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. – 2014. – Vol. 54. – Issue 7. – P. 1061-1078.


    To the attention of the authors!

    Starting from the first issue of the EHRM 2025, it is recommended to use the Harvard Referencing Style when compiling a bibliography


    General provisions

    When using the Harvard Referencing Style, the list of references is formed in alphabetical order. Numbering is not provided. The bibliographic list should reflect all books, articles, dissertations, and other scientific works cited in the article. The list is placed at the end of the work.

    References to international legal acts, domestic regulatory legal acts, government programs, etc. are drawn up in the form of end links as they are cited.

    The title of the cited publication is highlighted in italics.

    Chapters in books and titles of articles are marked with English "quotes".

    An indication of the author(s). The author's surname is indicated and then, after the comma, his initials. References to more than one work by the same author are presented in chronological order. When referring to the author's works published in the same year, it is necessary to distinguish the works by adding Latin letters (a, b, c), etc. to the year of publication (Jackson, A., 2024a: 12), (Jackson, A., 202b: 75-76).

    If two authors have prepared an article, their surnames are separated by the conjunction "and". If there are three authors, then the first and second are separated by a comma, the second and third by the conjunction "and". When there are more than three authors, the first three are indicated separated by commas, after which "etc." is put.

    The design of links to books should contain:

    Surname, initials of the author, comma; (year of publication in parentheses) – comma; book title – in italics; publication number (if the second and subsequent editions are cited) – comma; publisher (printing house) – comma; city of publication – period.

    If the source is quoted electronically, then you need to specify at the end: available at: the full URL at the time of the request.

    Links to book chapters. The surname, Full name (year), "Title of the chapter", Surnames, Acting editors, Title of the book in italics [Translation of the title of the book], publication number, publisher, city, country, page numbers of the chapter are indicated.

    The structure of links to journal articles: surname and initials; (year of publication in parentheses); title of the article in italics; journal number, journal name; volume No. and issue number, if any; page numbers of the article.

    Link to electronic journals: last name, first name, year of publication, title of the article in italics in quotation marks, title of the journal, volume no. or issue number of such and such, page numbers of the article, available at: full URL at the time of the request.

    See for more details:

    In English  

    In RussianФотогалерея/standart_Harvard.pdf

    1. After the list of references, it is necessary to specify bibliographic data (title of the article, information on each of the authors (Surname and initials, scientific degree, academic title, position, place of work, address, city, country, phone, e-mail) - in Kazakh, Russian and English).


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